6 Responses to “Mezcal: Adios Worm! (written by Kelley Slagle)”

  1. David (pampdog) Palmer says:

    Ah yes, the infamous mezcal. The memory is a bit hazy, but we had a serious sesh with mezcal on the Pensacola, FLorida beach and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in New Orleans! The first words out of my mouth: ‘let’s do it again!’ (said with a semi-slur and sense of slight confusion in the voice). Esta loco, mi hermanos! Nice guest article.

  2. David, perhaps you chased the worm down the wormhole of time? I hear if there are indeed folds in the space time continuum, they will most certainly be found in Pensacola! Thanks for sharing

  3. Kelley Slagle says:

    It seems that we all have a story or two about our adventures with Mezcal or Tequila, yours sounds especially good. I love that you said, “Lets do it again”! Thanks for reading and sharing.

  4. Joe F. says:

    Mezcal was the first shot purchased for me on my 21st birthday. I was also “lucky” enough to get the last shot in the bottle which contained the infamous worm (this was definitely not the high quality stuff you were discussing, but the kind of swill that would have benefited from multiple worms masking it’s abhorrent flavor). The worm visited me later on that evening, but not in my shot glass…in my bathroom sink! Thanks for the article and allowing me to revisit that special moment in my life.

  5. Vex Mage says:

    @NegriElectronic when we're talking "the worm" are we talking about a good shot of Mezcal? http://t.co/d9SDvVVz

  6. Mezcal: Adios Worm! | Grapes and Grains http://t.co/8NbeC94C

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